

[Important] Event fees for Tokyo Marathon 2023 must be paid by 5:00 p.m. (JST) on Friday, October 28


Event fees for Tokyo Marathon 2023 must be paid by the runners indicated below.

The deadline for payment is Friday, October 28. Please note that your entry will only be officially confirmed once the event fee has been paid.

Those required to pay event fees should check the email sent on Wednesday, October 19, by the Tokyo Marathon Entry Desk.

■ Runners who need to pay the event fee

*Runners selected through the ONE TOKYO Premium Member, Tokyo Resident, or general entry processes
*Runners who have completed the process of making donations to recipient programs as charity runners and submitted entries
*Runners whose entry was deferred from a previous event to Tokyo Marathon 2023
* Please check the email sent on Wednesday, October 19.

■ Payment period for event fees, etc.

11:00 a.m. on Wednesday, October 19 to 5:00 p.m. (JST) on Friday, October 28

Please note that if we are unable to confirm your payment within the payment period, you will not be able to participate in Tokyo Marathon 2023.

  • Tokyo Metro Co., Ltd.