

Requesting our Registered Runners of the Tokyo Marathon 2022 to Make a Decision Regarding Their Entry.


Due to the event schedule change, in the coming days outlined below, we will request our 2022 registered runners to choose an event they wish to defer their entry.

【Deferral Time Window】
Oct 20 (Wed) 11 a.m. - Oct 29 (Fri) 5 p.m. (JST)

【Available Events】
Deferral is available to one of the following events.

(1)Tokyo Marathon 2021 [Sunday, March 6, 2022]
(2)Tokyo Marathon 2023 [Scheduled for Sunday, March 5, 2023]
(3)Tokyo Marathon 2024 [Scheduled for Sunday, March 3, 2024]
*Please note that random drawing may be held for selection for the 2021 and 2023 event if the received deferral exceeds the capacity.

This information and further details are sent via email to all registered runners of the Tokyo Marathon 2022, today at 11 a.m. (JST). We kindly request all of our runners to check their email, and we hope one of the future events will meet their plans.

We deeply thank everyone for their understanding and cooperation.

*Updated Tokyo Marathon 2021 Race Information - October 11, 2021

  • Tokyo Metro Co., Ltd.