

Renewal of the Tokyo Marathon Foundation Logo


The Tokyo Marathon Foundation celebrated the 10th anniversary since the establishment on June 30, 2020.

Our organization has experienced substantial change over the past decade together with the changing society. In addition to achieving our founding goals, we have been increasing our focus on taking action against social dilemma, including declining birthrate, aging population and lack of healthy lifestyle to support extending life expectancy.

At this significant juncture in the Foundation's history, and in light of these social issues and our interest to contribute to the society through sports, we reorganize the business into four segments set out in our "Action Plan beyond 2020", heightening our core motto "change the future, through the joy of running."

We have renewed our logo to symbolize the four business segments that exist to realize a healthy and prosperous lifestyle, not only through Tokyo Marathon but through a diverse business in broad range.

【Renewed Tokyo Marathon Foundation Logo】


The renewed logo of the Tokyo Marathon Foundation features four colors to signify the diversity of our four businesses--"Running Events," "Running Life," "Wellness," and "Social Contribution"-- and symbolize our hopes to strengthen the bond amongst the people while delivering a lively society through the "joy of running".

Tokyo Marathon Foundation official website

  • Tokyo Metro Co., Ltd.