

Award Medal and Finisher Medal for TOKYO MARATHON 2019


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[Design Concept]

Tokyo Marathon 2019 as the 13th edition of the race, the key visual theme for this year is "Ready?" and therefore we have designed the medal to express feeling of "Something exciting is bound to happen!" of runners, supporters and spectators that are involved in the marathons, as well as to those who have yet to take an interest. Excitement and feeling of expectation is conveyed through the center curving out in spiral. The ribbon attached to the medal represents each and every individual of "Runner", "Volunteer" and "Spectators" by overlapping and weaving many lines like into a tapestry, signifying the motif of the race logo.

Pure Gold, Silver, and Bronze medals will be displayed at the following locations.

Tokyo Marathon 2019 Award Medal *actual medals

Date: February 13, 2019 (Wed.) - February 28 (Thu.)
Place: GINZA TANAKA 7-7 Ginza 1-chome , Chuo-ku

Tokyo Marathon 2019 EXPO *replica

Date: February 28, 2019 (Thu.) - March 2 (Sat.)
Place: Odaiba-Aomi Event Area (N,O,P)

Please come by to check out our medal on display!

  • Tokyo Metro Co., Ltd.