

Expansion of Tokyo Marathon 2019 Charity Expansion of Recipient Programs


The number of recipient programs will be increased from the next marathon, Tokyo Marathon 2019 (to be held on Sunday, March 3, 2019), and the marathon will seek to raise donations by providing donors with an even wider selection of charities.

◆Newly Added Project

・NPO Florence 
 Providing childcare arrangements to all families with children with special needs in Tokyo's 23 wards

・Kamonohashi Project 
 Providing support for the creation of social systems such as regulatory reforms and providing victim support with the aim of eliminating India's child prostitution problem

・Doctors Without Borders Japan
Active learning-based classroom program for junior high school students and students in the upper grades of elementary school, conveying collective ideals and actions

・Association for the Arts, Toy and Playing Activities / TOKYO TOY MUSEUM 
 Renovating the Tokyo Toy Museum's galleries and exhibitions and opening the Mt. Fuji Toy Museum

・Peace Winds Japan
 Training rescue dogs, therapy dogs, low blood pressure alert dogs, and countryside protection dogs

・Action against Child Exploitation 
 Providing direct support to children, young people, and families in India, Ghana, and Japan to prevent and eliminate child labor

In addition, the Tokyo Marathon Sports Legacy Program will start a new program, which oraganaises "Kid's Athletics x Tokyo Marathon Style sports activities for children in the affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake".

A trial run of the "Active Charity" program was carried out in Tokyo Marathon 2018. The program will be officially launched in Tokyo Marathon 2019.
* Up to 300 of the 4,000 total charity places will be Active Charity places.

See more details here.

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  • Tokyo Metro Co., Ltd.