

"Runner Update Service", "Spectator Navigator" and "Leaderboards" available


On the race day (Sunday, February 25th), Tokyo Marathon 2018 will provides the following information services on its official website.

- Runner Update Service
Searchable by the Number Card number or name of the runners and provides runner tracking by making the runner's actual split times of every 5km available
Runner Update page will be available in Japanese/English.

Leaderboards will be available in Japanese/English/Chinese/Korean.

- Spectator Navigator
Searchable by the Number Card number or name of the runners and allows the spectators to predict the location of the runners they are cheering on
*You can use this service to arrive at the best locations to cheer on the runners ahead of time.

More details
*This page is only available in Japanese, but you can download the application in Japanese/English. Also, if you click on the icons at the bottom and choose to see the update on PC website or mobile website, it'll be available in Japanese/English/Chinese/Korean.

All these services will be available from 9:00 am on the race day (Sunday, February 25th).


  • Tokyo Metro Co., Ltd.