

About the Tokyo Marathon 2023 Charity; Sports Legacy Program Initiatives


Thank you for all of the support for the Sports Legacy Program as one of the charities at Tokyo Marathon 2023.

At Tokyo Marathon EXPO 2023, we had a Sports Legacy booth. We also opened a special lounge on race day at the Tokyo International Forum.

Both the booth and lounge provided the chance to increase understanding of the Sports Legacy Program and excitement for the Tokyo Marathon among the charity runners.
Thank you to everyone who came out.

Tokyo Marathon EXPO 2023 Sports Legacy Booth:

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Tokyo Marathon EXPO 2023 attracted visitors in anticipation of Tokyo Marathon 2023, which was set to be held at full scale for the first time in four years.
The Sports Legacy booth featured the following:
・A video featuring supporters' messages about the Sports Legacy Program.
 See the full video here.
・The gold medal and uniform worn by Hiroki Yanagita, 9th Diamond Athlete Program athlete, from the World Athletics U20 Championships Cali 2022.
・A racing wheelchair.
・Displays of Tokyo Marathon 2023 charity T-shirts.
・A message board for visitors to write their thoughts about the marathon.
・One-of-a-kind Sports Legacy Newspapers featuring a photo of the charity runner taken at the event photo spot on the front page, and giveaways.

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Charity ambassadors M Takashi, Megumi Oshima and Atsushi Shikano also visited the booth during the event. At one point, there was a line of people waiting to get their photograph. The booth was buzzing!
With great, big smiles, the ambassadors cheered on the runners nervously awaiting the big day.

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Tokyo Marathon 2023 Sports Legacy Finish Lounge:

On the race day, our finish lounge was opened for charity runners to come and meet their friends and family after finishing the race.

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Like at the EXPO booth, exclusive Sports Legacy Newspapers were also printed. Many of those who visited the lounge took up the opportunity to have a picture of themselves finishing the race commemorated in the newspaper.
At the special lounge, charity ambassadors M Takashi and Yu Nakamura gave a running commentary on the race. After Megumi Oshima and Atsushi Shikano finished the race, all of the ambassadors went to greet the runners at the finish line.
The ambassadors shared the joy and excitement with the charity runners who ran for Sports Legacy. The whole event was filled with smiles and a warm, loving atmosphere.

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In order to create more moments like these, we hope to create further opportunities for exchange through sports and spread, continue and develop our activities to expand the horizons of everyone, including athletes with the Sports Legacy Program.
Thank you to all of the runners who came out and participated in this event.

  • Tokyo Metro Co., Ltd.