

Tokyo Marathon 2023 A barrier-free spectating area Report


The barrier-free spectating area was set up at the finish area(Tokyo Station/ Gyoko-dori Ave) of the Tokyo marathon 2023 with the donations from Tokyo Marathon Foundation's Sports Legacy Program. Our social contribution project's supporter was invited to join this area to have fun with the big day on March 5, 2023.

This is part of our sustainability efforts through the Tokyo Marathon 2023, and was carried out to support the realization of a diversity and theinclusive society that will in turn serve to achieve a barrier-free society for everyone who play the spots, watche the sports, and support the sports.


Those invitee was selected from the RUN with HEART Charity Virtual Run participants, Tokyo Marathon Foundation Official Volunteer Club VOLUNTAINER members, and RUN with HEART donation recipients. Everyone who came had their own thoughts, feelings, and reasons for spectating the event.

The whole area was very excited when the elite runners, wheelchair athletes, and the crowds of runners across right in front of them.

One memory that is sure to stick with us was a smiling girl who excitedly came to tell us she received an autograph from one of the athletes.


In collaboration with one of the Charity program "Pride House Tokyo" also promoted LGBTQ+ inclusivity for the race.
"Three of our members helped to hand out rainbow flags to everyone who came to the barrier-free spectating area to brightened and colored up the area. We took pictures of everyone with their family and friends, and communicate with the invitee. Seeing everyone cheer on the runners as they went by was such a memorable experience too. I hope that we were able to make it a similarly memorable experience for everyone who came here." One of thePride House Tokyo's support member said.

A participant from WheeLog, one of the RUN with HEART Charity Virtual Run official charity program said, "Everyone was thrilled to be there. It was a truly priceless experience. For wheelchair users, while we may see these events on TV, it's difficult for us to actually go in person. But the Tokyo Marathon 2023 barrier-free spectating area was planned with such great consideration that we could enjoy the race without any issues."


It seems that many people came to the area and enjoyed it, so we will consider continuing this project in the future.
Thank you very much to everyone who participated!

  • Tokyo Metro Co., Ltd.