

Decisions Made on the Tokyo Marathon 2021 with the Current COVID-19 Situation


Aside from monitoring the health of the runners, volunteers and staff, and including operational considerations to avoid the "Three Cs", we have made the decision to also include a "vaccine and test package" at the Tokyo Marathon 2021 to heighten greater safety. This system introduced by the government will allow us to utilize vaccination certificates as a form of verification.

With this decision, we will send emails outlining detailed information to all registered runners of the Tokyo Marathon 2021 starting from December 24 and in mid-January to the registered volunteers.
*However, since the current information pertaining to "vaccine and test package" is designed while monitoring the domestic situation in Japan, for all runners residing outside of Japan, we will deliver separate information as soon as decided.

We thank everyone for their cooperation, and understanding in ensuring the health and safety of everyone.

Please see below of the new decisions pertaining to the Tokyo Marathon 2021.

1. Go/No-Go Decision

Despite the usage of vaccination certificates and heightening COVID-19 protocols, if the government declares a state of emergency or calls to avoid opening of events, holding the Tokyo Marathon will become very difficult. Therefore, the go/no-go decision shall be based on whether or not, if the event cancellation is ordered by the municipality within a month prior to the event date, and with this, the Event Cancellation Guideline set forth shall change accordingly.

Also note, the go/no-go decision is scheduled to be decided by early February (1 month prior).

【Event Cancellation Guideline】
If the event is subject to cancellation ordered by the municipality due to the outcome of a state of emergency declaration and such within a month prior to the event, the event shall cancel.

2. PCR Testing on Runners, Volunteers and Others

・PCR testing was initially mandated on all runners, volunteers and athletics referees. However, those who provide a proof of full vaccination shall be exempt from testing, and testing fee of 6,800 JPY (excl. administration and transaction fees) will be refunded.

・For runners who wish not to present proof of the vaccination will be required to take PCR testing specified by Tokyo Marathon Foundation. As for volunteers and athletics referees, proof of vaccination or testing will be required.

・Note, proof of vaccination or PCR testing will be required regardless of the situation surrounding COVID-19 and/or state of emergency.

3. Change on Refund Terms Applicable to Domestic Runners

In the refund policy, it is outlined that a full refund shall be made and the entry shall be deferred to the 2023 event for those who reside in prefecture/area that is ordered to refrain from traveling to Tokyo, and/or, for those who reside outside of Tokyo, but the Tokyo Metropolitan Gov. is ordering the residents of Tokyo to refrain from traveling outside of the Tokyo prefecture.

However, with the new government policy, for those who are vaccinated or have negative test results are not applicable to these rules, and therefore, the above refund policy shall be terminated.

To learn more on the Tokyo Marathon 2021 COVID-19 Countermeasures, click here.

To view the Tokyo Marathon 2021 Race Information, refund policy and more, click here.

  • Tokyo Metro Co., Ltd.