

Winner's Medal and Finisher Medal for Tokyo Marathon 2020


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[Design Concept]
For the 14th edition of the Tokyo Marathon, the medal designs are based on traditional Edo komon patterns that have been used to decorate kimono ever since the Edo period. Six distinctive patterns--sakura (cherry blossom), shippo tsunagi (seven treasures), seigaiha (blue ocean waves), asanoha (hemp leaf), kanoko (fawn), and kouji tsunagi ("kou"-character) -- are combined on the medals to resemble the collar of a kimono, signifying a fusion of passed on Japanese tradition with the overlapping thoughts of runners and the supporting spectators. "Running" is the key visual concept of the Tokyo Marathon 2020, and people who enjoy running in all forms will gather at the event. Design of great originality using the traditional Edo motifs of Tokyo, the medals communicate the message that many different stories will start at the Tokyo Marathon.

The medal ribbons feature a design based on the tapestry-like Tokyo Marathon logo, in which each thread represents an individual runner, volunteer, and spectator.

During February 1 (sat.) through February 27 (Thu.), the Pure Gold, Silver, and Bronze medals will be displayed at the following locations.
Please come by to check out our medals on display!

【Tokyo Marathon 2020 Award Medal】*actual medals
Date: February 1 (Sat.) - February 27 (Thu.)
Place: GINZA TANAKA 7-7 Ginza 1-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo

  • Tokyo Metro Co., Ltd.