

Total Donations Raised through the Tokyo Marathon 2018 Charity


Tokyo Marathon Foundation closed the application for the Tokyo Marathon 2018 Charity program, at 5:00pm on Saturday, March 31, 2018. The program raised over 415 million JPY. All the donations go to the respective recipient programs according to the selection of each donor.

Total number of donations  5,965

Total amount of donations  415,172,886 JPY

Please see visit here for the details on the donation amount.

■About Tokyo Marathon 2019 Charity Program

The number of recipient programs will be increased from Tokyo Marathon 2019 (to be held on Sunday, March 3, 2019), and the marathon will seek to raise donations by providing donors with an even wider selection of charities.

Released on March 29th, 2018


Monday, July 2 Applications of donations and charity runners open
Tuesday, July 31 Charity runner applications close
*It may close early if capacity is reached.
Friday, August 31 Active Charity runner applications close

*Applications of donations will remain open until March 31, 2019.
*For more details, please visit the Tokyo Marathon 2019 Charity official website /2019/en/charity/


  • Tokyo Metro Co., Ltd.